dilluns, 21 de maig del 2018

Shadesphire Bretonian Sigmarines from Dragonstone.. XD


so I finally bought Shadesphire. I could not really play as I wanted just with the undead pack, sice you need some cards from the Core (on the objectives and some actions, at least). Apart from that you want to have your own board and tokens when you go to tournaments.

I participated into a couple of local tournaments in Barcelona and I got my ass kicked big time. But I must say I had a lot of fun and must say really like the game.

I put here a video a friend of mine did on it.

So... I wanted to sell the miniatures of the Stormcast band. I truly dislike the Sigmarines. Sorry GW, but i can´t take more of those! I was about to use Wallapop for the purpose of selling them but then I thought I could just change the heads for a proper knight helmet and change their weapons as well to give them a different look.

I just used a cutter for this kitbash, cero Green Stuff on it!!

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